Three good things a day

Started by Elphanigh, April 18, 2017, 02:40:03 PM

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I am glad it is so helpful for people. It is an important exercise. I am finding it truly important today.

4. My thread is still helpful today. It helps me see a different side of myself to counter some of the bad (see other posts)
5. This community is supportive and amazing


My three good things for today:

1) I stood up for myself and what I needed, even though it somewhat put out two employees and a customer at that place.
2) Because I stood up for myself, I wasn't late back from lunch.
3) Doing this freed up another time for other things like family.

This was a really, really big deal for me. In the past, I'd have quietly waited for the employee to finish helping the other employee and customer, knowing that I'd pay for it in my life if the wait became too long. I'd have been miserable, imagining the worst case consequences while appearing on the outside as patient and accommodating. Even as I imagined losing my job because I was late back from lunch, I would have remained silent. Today, I didn't. I spoke my needs and insisted. And all three ladies affected by my 'pushiness' were ok with it! None of them were mad!  :applause: @ myself!


So proud of you!!  :cheer: That is a big step


Brilliant wife#2  :cheer:  :cheer: says somebody else (me) with problems standing up for myself in the workplace or anywhere else.


Thank you, both, very much!

It's nice when we learn that standing up for ourselves doesn't cause the world to stop spinning and everyone to turn and look at us like we're horrible. It gets easier with practice. I only sat and panicked for about two minutes. And everyone was smiling and being pleasant when I left - proof that the world won't hate us for having needs or even wants!


As my day has gone on I feel the need to do another three. Separating this day into pieces that I can hopefully manage this way. Here's for my evening

1. I made it through work today
2. The kindness on this forum is beyond anything I could have ever expected
3. I have good dinner plans. Proper BBQ for the win


Here's some good things for my day

1. I remained out of the self-deprecating cycle I was in yesterday (I got out quickly!)
2. I have decided to do something for myself rather than decide what is better for others
3. I have been shown extreme kindness the last two days that has given me  hope


Three good things today:

1. I made it to work on time with coffee and gas in the car
2. I feel stable today despite everything going on in my life
3. I have told my potential roommates that I need to get a place of my own  because their timeline and needs don't match mine. This is a huge step because it is really hard for me to tell people no, and think for my own well being


1. I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday - more positive about the future.

2. I let my guinea pigs out for a run and sat and watched them racing around and I talked to them, which makes them happy and race around and hop and jump and bounce and do bucking broncos even more than usual.

3. I questioned the behaviour of a friend towards me a few days ago, but it's today I'm feeling that confronting her with this was a strong and courageous thing to do.

4. I've just allowed myself to construct a game to teach with. I like doing this but often don't allow myself because it's not a very lucrative activity. (How much time does it take up vs. how much money do I make by having more games for students?) But I like to do it, it's creative, and today I was using pencil crayons too (colour is good for me), and I also like reinforcing what I've taught with games.


Three good things yesterday

1. I finally took my guinea pigs to the vet
2. Walking through a flowery meadow on the way
3. The vet wasn't judgemental about the guinea pigs' condition after I said: very bad depression, I haven't managed to clean out their humongous living quarters so that's why one of them has dried droppings attached to his claw and I haven't been earlier with main problem (vet was just surprised because I usually seem so particular about my pets)
4. I finally let the guineas out for a run yesterday (and they're still running)
5. It was pleasantly warm and it wasn't raining.


Blueberry, those are some fantastic good things. I really hope you start to feel better soon.  :hug: :hug:

I am going to add one more for today. My fourth one, is that the girls I was going to live with had the best reaction I could hope for. I chose for myself and for my own best interest. I am choosing to be selfish and to heal. I am choosing to have my own space so I can focus on it.


Three good things today
1. Lying in bed looking at all the greenery through the window
2. Had two long phone calls to friends
3. Finally got started on a job i should've started on thursday. Even though I didn't finish it I got further along than i thought I would.

Three good things yesterday
1. On the spur of the moment I decided to go on an organised bike tour after all
2. The bike tour was fun, I was able to keep up with the others and the information and guide at destination was very interesting. Despite the ominous black clouds  before the start, there was only a small shower on the way home. So all in all I was very happy that I'd decided to go after all.
3. I decided to take a break from the computer for the day.


Glad you posted on here you reminded me to do so.
1. It is beautiful outside
2. I tried a new brunch place
3. I am holding myself well together and managing emotions while helping my partner pack boxes in the car today.
4. I went to the clinic today when I had some really odd bug bite looking things. I normally wait until things get too bad


Things for today

1. I have supportive friends
2. I got out of bed today and left my house
3. My boss told me thank you today

I know these are small but they are there


Things for today:
I enjoyed the teaching I did this evening and it went well, I did a good job.
I continued the job I finally started yesterday, which is housework and pet care related, not professional work.
I went into the garden to pick grass, and for myself various edible weeds.