the last hurdle

Started by jamesG.1, June 02, 2018, 11:08:59 PM

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Wound licking makes a whole lot of sense.
Be really kind to your good self!


Grow your hair, wax your long board.

Good to spot problem people early so you can bale out. Less damaging.


Baling is underrated.

I'm in the process of baling from something incredibly unfair.  A story I could write a book about because of all the "anomolies", by people who should know better.  Some of it I could prove, and do damage.  I'm sick of being someone who won't do a whole lot of harm to others when I've been harmed.  But that is who I am.

I get to bale and leave them to it.  And lick my wounds.

Also I get to know that despite having been hurt, i didn't stoop to their level.  that matters to me.


I wish you the best in the getting navigating your way to the open water, James. :) I found your analysis of their long-term pattern of behavior interesting, it reminds me of people who are parasitic and want to ride on someone elses hard work, avoiding all responsibility.


yeah, my mind is made up. I've just got back from Citizen's advice and was seen by a PTSD counsellor. Huge help. I got very emotional because understand is just so rare..

Basically, all the advice says get out. All my good friends, a small group now I can tell you, They are all behind me. This feels right.

lighting the blue touch paper.



Go James!!!

Funny, I made thw decision to bale a couple of days ago when I read the DSM 5 criteria for PTSD.  It made everything very clear for me.

So glad you have a few good friends.  They are gold  dust!

We here are all behind you too, cheering you on.


Wow James!

A PTSD counsellor down the citizens advice?

That's like finding a unicorn in a donkey sanctuary, buy a lottery ticket immediately.