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Topics - ImaSurvivor

Hello OOTSers,

I'm a newbie to this site and am so grateful for all of the information and stories shared.

I wanted to add my own contribution in hope that it helps some of you as it's helped me.

I've not been big on meditation in the past.  However, in light of recent traumatic events in my life, it's become a really effective, healthy coping mechanism that I use, especially before I go to sleep and when I wake up to start my day.

It's a free app called 'Insight Timer' (  It gives you a variety of free meditations that you can choose based on whatever works for you (we are all different of course).  You can find ones to relax, be mindful, stress and anxiety, sleep, etc.  You can also choose the length of the meditation and or whether you want it to be guided or just soothing sounds in the background.

I was skeptical at first too but I learned to let go and just follow.

It's worked well for me so far and I hope it can for you too :)
Hello OOTS family,

I am a CPTSD survivor from sexual abuse from my older sister and brother when I was 5-10 years old, the traumatic effects of the divorce of my parents, and the beginning of divorce of my own marriage. 

I've been forced to stay silent about my childhood abuse for a vast majority of my life at a great cost. 

I am no longer willing to live a lie and protect the people who have done this to me.  I am currently in an inpatient group/individual treatment program, will start seeing a therapist who specializes in CPTSD once I complete my program, as well as seeking to rebuild my spiritual strength.

I am so glad that I am no longer alone and that I finally, ****FINALLY**** have a healthy way out of this.

I look forward to sharing my story with you all.  I am refusing to let CPTSD define who I am any more.  I'm learning to forgive.  I'm learning to be forgiven.  And I'm learning to love myself for the first time in a long time.

I am very glad to be here  :thumbup: