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Topics - Cygnus

It seems this society is based around not feeling.  Anything to distract from feelings.  People tell me I'm angry, but they seem to be much worse.  I direct my anger at my abusers, they direct it at themselves.  I can tell because they're anxious and depressed.  They speak fondly of their abusers and tell me I'm wrong for being angry at mine.  It's like being a black sheep, yet knowing you're right but no one believes you.  I think they can't face their anger because of the sadness beneath it is too much.  I agree it's very hard to start feeling the intense sadness of being abused by your parents.  But the only way to get better is to put the blame where it's supposed to be.  They'd rather keep blaming themselves, and their body is rebelling because of it with anxiety and, health problems.  That's their business and I would just be concerned about my own problems but they insist on accusing me.  I think they're jealous and angry at me for doing what they can't.
Hi, I've heard many times that it's very helpful to have a partner that is supportive and compassionate because we can learn maybe for the first time in our lives what healthy love is like and it's supposed to be very healing for those with CPTSD/DTD.  I don't mean depending on someone to fix us, but after we've gone about as far as we can go with our own self-care and compassion. 

What are some ideas about finding someone like that?  The CPTSD therapists say it's very helpful to have, but as far as finding someone, they just seem to say "if you're lucky enough".  But what are some ways to improve our luck?  Are there particular place, communities, websites, groups, that might be helpful? 
Hi, just wanted to introduce myself and looking forward to the support here. I have CPTSD and am seeing a therapist.  I use the internet for social interaction and support as I don't have much going on outside of it.  Hopefully I'll get better and make more friends though.  I think I will, it's just my whole life (I'm 45) has been isolation and loneliness so it takes time.