First post *trigger warning I think*

Started by Echo, September 19, 2017, 11:39:41 PM

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Hi all!  :heythere: So glad to be here.

I'm an only child. I've never really shared my story with anyone except bits and pieces, so posting here for the first time is a little scary, even though I'm really glad to have found this community.  :grouphug:

I've been in therapy for 3 years. My therapist has talked with me about trauma a little bit, but she's never said I have C-PTSD.  She makes comments sometimes that lead me to believe she might be narcissistic. She's says she's "important" in the city we live in and that sometimes she gets special treatment and whatnot. I want to like her but I'm not quite sure what to make of my therapy situation.

Both my parents had mood swings and then would act like nothing had happened. My dad is controlling and has possible NPD, was emotionally abusive/ignoring and a couple times physically abusive. My mom was like a sister or a friend as I got older, it's kind of hard to explain. I used to think of my mom as "all good" and my dad as "all bad." But the more I learn, the more my relationship with my mom seems unhealthy. I was always taking care of her emotionally, and telling her she needed to leave my dad.

I have one memory that leads me to believe I was possibly sexually abused by someone. I'm not sure by who, what or how or even if it's accurate. I'm still trying to work through a lot of things.

Anyways, I hope this isn't too long! I just wanted to get some of my story out there. I really want to start recovering and talk with other people who can understand.

Three Roses

Hello and welcome! Don't have much energy to say but I wanted to at least answer your post. Thanks for joining


Welcome, fellow newbie.  Sounds like, in some ways, we share a lot.  I used to think of my mom as all good, too.  But over time I've realized that isn't true.  Her neglect amplified the emotional and verbal abuse I struggled with at my dad's house.

Good luck on your journey of healing.  Also, good luck with the possibly narcissist therapist.


Hey there Echo, sorry to hear about what you've gone through, from the small snippets you've shared so far.
Welcome to the forum though. ^^ It's a pleasure to meet you.


Thank you everyone! I really appreciate the kind messages. It's nice to meet all of you and I look forward to sharing more and hearing from others.

Quiet, it does sound there are a lot of similarities there. Thanks for sharing. I'm still coming to terms with my mom's neglect and the impact it had on me growing up. I was completely blind to it until recently.