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Topics - SigNature

Conferences/Courses / Rewiring the Brain Summit
April 20, 2024, 04:49:49 AM
Not sure if this is where to put this
Please delete or move if not appropriate :)

Upcoming online Trauma focused Summit with lots of credible Trauma Specialists Commencing May 7th 2024
I havn't posted much on OOTS because I still find it difficult for my brain to navigate communication in pretty much all its forms.  Schooling - whilst my body was physically present in the classroom, I was behind the veneer of my bubble, I was there but I wasn't there, and my brain missed out on so many critical learning skills.

I am firmly of the belief that this is the result of the chronic and cumulative effect of exposure to neglect and serious repeated familial trauma's commencing well before schooling started, and compounding year upon year. But that is a story to explore for my personal journal when I can do that.
I've had multiple Therapists across a 35+ year period.  In fact there has rarely been a time from my early 20's when I havn't been accessing some sort of Therapy - some good and some in hindsight, not so good.

And the money$, ooooh the money$ - I recently calculated that I have conservatively, spent at least $85-90,000.00 across these years of therapy in an effort to keep me from carrying through on my S-Ideation and a quest to find out "what is wrong with me" and how I can get my brain to work "normal" and to just be.......!

This month, I have lost my most wonderful Therapist- one that I have been seeing almost weekly since 2015, to an illness that has forced her to stop work and look after herself. The person who dragged me up off the rocky unstable ground in the dark tunnel that I had been flung into like a beaten rag doll, bloodied from a lifetime of repeated stressors and traumas until I eventually broke.  A therapist that never failed to be there for me from day one, that was always encouraging me to keep going. A Therapist that has supported me through a workplace mess, a relationship breakdown and all that ensues, a relocation to a new home and area, the nursing of and death of my mother, and multiple, multiple other stressors during those times.  A Therapist that agreed to continue to see me face to face through Covid lockdowns ( masked of course), and who would unquestionably let me, and in fact encouraged me to contact her outside of session if something came up that needed to be shared.

Ive really struggled with understanding how relational trauma/cPTSD  can be repaired by someone we have to pay money to. In my mind it is simply a monetary exchange for a service that under codes of practice enforces relational boundaries - so how can we intrinsically feel or sense or repair our ability to have relations when we know it is being paid for and not given freely of will.

I still don't understand it despite years of her not failing me, of going above and beyond what I 'paid for', of being just an absolute rock.  Something in my trauma formed brain even now is screaming she is finally rid of me. 

I finally broke her. I am gutted.

The thought of having to start all over again has been sending shock waves through me.  I know I have to because despite all the Therapy I have had across the years, despite having ' the best Therapist ever '.

I am permanently broken and so so sad for her to have never given up until she was broken too.
Hi Kizzie/admin

Not quite sure where to post this.  I wanted to share as It is an emerging treatment path.  Could you move if not appropriate please.

The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioural Medicine (NICABM) has started a 4 part Master series on the Clinical Application of Compassion Therapy this week.  You can register to listen for free at the time of event, or purchase access.

Unfortunately, it has already started this week so the first of the series has already run, but there are three more.

My trauma therapist, has been mentioning Compassion Therapy for a while stating there have been some credible success in research.  I saw her yesterday after we had both listened to the first session
and she rated the course very highly, we had one of more productive sessions for a while.

I hope it is of use to some.  All the best. Sig
Hello, not sure where to post this.  Please move as required Kizzie/Admin.
BlueKnot are a strong advocacy and professional training group in Australia.

General Discussion / Updated management Guidelines
March 12, 2020, 01:31:30 AM
Hello, not sure where to put this. Kizzie, probably to resources?
BlueKnot Australia released updated management practice guidelines incorporating new research, particularly dissociation, etc, between 2012 - 2019.