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Messages - Tom

Thank you for your feedback.  I am getting a copy of the book.

Current strategies I am using

1.Mild Antidepressant - Venlafaxine
4.Exercise - jogging, biking, walking .. minimum of 4 miles per day
6. Sometimes add sleep aid .. tried Ativan for a month, tried Zopiclone, Melatonin, Have a regular sleep routine
7.Many counselors

I have been unable to identify triggering agents for my Panic Attacks.  I average from 1 to 6 per day.  Today had a panic attack watching TV after I got home from work.  No reason for it, it just happens.

I am able to hold a job but struggle to maintain healthy personal relationships, driving everyone away.  I have 4 children and 3 of them do their best to avoid me.  I am concerned if I do not find something to control my overreaction to things I am going to drive everyone away and end up alone.
General Discussion / Hypervigilance - new member
June 24, 2018, 02:49:11 AM
I feel odd about this but hope someone can help me with recommendations for books or other websites.  I have been told by counselors that I have Hypervigilance.  When I look up the symptoms they fit me perfectly.  The more I read about it the more confused I have become.  I do not remember any trauma that "triggered" this Hypervigilance.  I also do not remember a time I was not like this.
As an example, I remember being 6 years old, sitting in the backseat of the car watching my father drive and trying figure out exactly how to do what he was doing "In case something happened and I had to take over"
I have been like this my whole life and it is exhausting.  Always on high alert.  My Medical Doctor has diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, but I think the Hypervigilance came before the GAD, in fact I think it may have caused it.  If I could stop being on high alert all the time maybe I could get some rest.  If I got some rest maybe the anxiety would ease.  It is like a positive feedback loop.  Each issue making the other issue stronger.
I read about what people here have gone through and I am embarrassed to even mention my issue but I am desperate for help.