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Topics - MarkD67

Ideas/Tools for Recovery / Music for recovery
September 09, 2016, 07:41:31 AM
Hi everyone. It has been great reading posts from others who are in a similar boat... i can feen pretty isolated at times. Anyway, i wanted to start a thread about music,  :whistling: because i have used it very effectively in my recovery journey.

The best for me has been "Meteora (Album)" by Linkin Park.
The way I hear the lyrics in many of the songs strke strong chords inside, helping me access very deep anger/rage and grief. I have spent many hours angering to their very apt songs, spluttering at my windscreen in my recovery car (the only safe place i can anger vent).

Spoiler warning!!! If your cPTSD was caused by a significant other (like i think most of us) there will be some emotions come up when listening.

Next "Out of Myself" (Album), by Polish band 'Riverside'.
Great for grief about me having and living with my dissociated selves. I did lots of crying while listening to this album. Again, deeply connecting with the lyrics.

These are just the 2 i get most out of. In fact it was listening to these albums that taught me i was not alone in this struggle. Before i even got the cPTSD diagnosis and started to work with the team of proffessionals i am now linked in with. These albums saved my sanity for almost 2 years.

Please share your recovery music, so i can broaden my options for the powerful emotional connections music can bring.

All the best from Oz. M
Books & Articles / Helpful Articles
September 02, 2016, 03:25:00 AM
Can we list helpful articles as well as books?
"Wounds That Time Won't Heal: The Neurobiology of Child Abuse", Martin H. Teicher., Ph.D.
"The Neuroscjence of Attachment", Linda Graham, MFT.
"The Grief That Dare Not Speak ItsName. Email From America" (part 1, part 2, part 3) Sandra L. Bloom, M.D., Psychotherapy Review 2 (9), September 2000
"The Borderline Personality Client", Shari Schreiber, M.A,
These are a few articles i found that helped me understand me and what i was going through.
Best of luck to all. M