Out of the Storm

CPTSD and Others => Our Relationships with Others => Friends => Topic started by: finallyfree on January 01, 2019, 06:28:55 PM

Title: Does anyone also feel anxiety over making plans with your group of friends?
Post by: finallyfree on January 01, 2019, 06:28:55 PM
I have noticed I always uncomfortable in a way with a group of people. I am far more comfortable with one on one or interacting with two or three friends. I am attempting to change this but not sure it's possible. Trying to make a change and invite my group of friends and attempt to get more comfortable. Hoping having them in my home will also make me more comfortable. Does anyone else have this type of feeling over socializing?
Title: Re: Does anyone also feel anxiety over making plans with your group of friends?
Post by: Hope67 on January 01, 2019, 06:48:11 PM
Hi Finallyfree,
Yes, I relate to what you're saying here, very much.  I have a definite preference for socialising in a small a group as possible, and ideally I prefer one-to-ones.  I find more people quite anxiety provoking.  I do force myself to go to things where there are groups - and occasionally it will be better than I anticipate, but I always feel very tired afterwards - I think it's down to being hypervigilant, and having so many things to process with lots of people around. 

I hope that you will find you can get more comfortable trying to make the changes you're attempting.  Hope it goes well for you.

Hope  :)
Title: Re: Does anyone also feel anxiety over making plans with your group of friends?
Post by: finallyfree on January 01, 2019, 07:00:19 PM
Thanks for your response Hope and your kind words. I think it might be partially due to my having such a low self esteem? Also I noticed I start to feel over stimulated and need down time after being in a larger group setting. I sadly always feel like I am not really good enough for some reason. But I know in my mind that's not the case. It's like being split into two. I am extremely lonely these days and attempting to try and rectify this by getting out of my comfort zone which lately has been isolating myself. I guess I am attempting to fake it until I make it??? If this makes sense. All the best to you too in the new year.