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Messages - Sissysunshine

One of the things I do too keep from feeling tired and for 4 months now no medication except Hydroxzine, Benadryl with out the cold medication.  I use to take so many different medications; happy to discuss any of them if requested.... My biggest help day to day is having a schedule and trying to stick to it.  For example; always out of bed by 9 and showered and dressed, Make a smoothie, start coffee, take my Service Dog out for a walk.  This is my first hour every morning.  I then put Goals; example 1x weekly meet up with my children to visit, 1x weekly go hiking, Kayaking or golfing, 3x weekly work on the farm in the garden, 1x weekly allow my self a me day which can be anything from doing something that makes me feel good to laying in bed and relaxing for the day, giving myself a break from everything.  So Schedule helps me.  At least in morning.  Nights are different, as I don't sleep well.  I have found that my symptoms are worse when I don't have a basic goal and schedule.  I keep white boards all over my home, one is a calendar as I have many issues with memory due to TBI and Sertonem syndrome. Second is quotes to keep me motivated, third one has weekly, monthly, daily goals or activities. Fourth is schedules for medical therapy, group therapy and events at VET Center for veterans.  Fifth is wants.... This is how I keep myself in check.  One thing I have learned is my brain is behaving as it should, I am human and Fight, Flight and freeze are normal and my body will always have these reactions due to my traumas.  Its what I do in those moments to cope that matter.  I have really great days, and really bad days.  I try to except that this is my life cycle and I am not broken I am a survivor and no longer a victim.  This is where my quotes become handy, as they remind me of the good, the possible, the hope.  Doesn't mean it works, but it helps refocus my brain.  I also have started meditation and yoga as a source to calm my thoughts.  This is not to say I still don't have very terrible controlling habits stemming from my C-PTSD.  I most likely will always be there, Its my coping skills and schedules that will get me through my day.  And at the end of each day good or bad, I remind myself how lucky I am to be alive, forget, forgive, or cherish what happened in my day.  Then remind myself that I can let all that go and wake in the morning and have a new start.  Every day I am alive is a new start.
General Discussion / Veterans with C-PTSD
July 07, 2017, 12:44:40 AM
Curious on how many of you are veterans either of combat or MST?  I have complex PTSD, GAD, Insomnia, agoraphobia, anorexia nervousa, Social anxiety just to name a few lol... I go to group therapy twice a week and one on one once a week.  Several months ago I completed a 6 week inpatient program at a Veterans Administrative Hospital.  I guess I am curious on how many of you deal with VA, What has been your results?  Do you feel like you are getting enough support?  I attend a Vet Center for all my groups and therapy as the VA hospitals are understaffed and it is 3-6 months between therapy and medical appointments.