12 step recovery for adult children

Started by Boatsetsailrose, January 03, 2024, 09:14:13 PM

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Hi all
I haven't been on the forum for a a fair ol while. Nice to see the new layout it's great and v user friendly.
I just wanted to share about 12 recovery for adult children.
AC0A stands for adult children of Alcoholics. But the part that isn't always obvious it's for anyone who identifies as coming from a dysfunctional family of origin.
After 7 yrs of various trauma therapy I then started going to Acoa and I just love it. The fellowship has been going for over 30 yrs and has a wealth of online meetings. I've been doing a loving parent workbook grp and am integrating my inner children and my loving parent in a way that is miraculous and really providing such security for my inner world and living daily life. There also ways to work the steps and use the tools.
I'll post a link to the website for anyone that may be interested. There are various kinds of meetings and literature.


Hi Boatsetsailrose! I also have a core ACA group that I attend and they are so wonderful. it's a great place where I can be the real me and people totally understand. it makes a huge difference to know that I'm not the only one with these issues. Thanks for posting this, I totally second the suggestion. (It does feel a little odd at first, but it's worth it.)


I have only recently found out about ACA.  I've been to a few online "beginner" meetings and in person as well.  Yesterday I started participation in a yellow book 12 steps study group online.  I'm so glad to see your post.  I'm very hopeful.



For about a month now I've been attending ACA (in Canada, or maybe new name?).  I've done two weeks of the ACA 12 Steps Workbook in a zoom group setting, which will run until sometime in the summer.  I've also signed up for "Ready, Set, Go", a multi-week face-to-face meeting that covers the 12 steps and also the Loving Parent work ... it's more of an introduction.  I'm very hopeful with this program.

I felt that at this time in my life, I needed to step out of isolation, and thought this might be the best way to approach it.
