Learning to heal, Larry's journey

Started by Larry, October 20, 2021, 06:48:12 PM

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today is my birthday,  i try not to think about it too much,  i usually like to forget.  i have been trying to find a way to enjoy holidays and birthdays,  not sure i am there yet.  I went to a few AA meetings,  i really like the way i feel after.  Going to the gym this afternoon.


Happy Birthday Larry! I'm glad you were born and are here now.  :cheer:

But  :hug: for the bad feelings and wanting to forget. That is understandable.


I hope you have a lovely day today, Larry. I'm glad you have been feeling good after the AA meetings. Enjoy the gym.



Thank you Armee and NK !!
  spent some time with co workers yesterday,  it was nice.   feeling good today.   work has been slow,  might start a part time evening job. 


Belated Happy Birthday wishes Larry!   :hug:


I hope you continue to feel good, Larry. A part time evening job could be a great thing to do - especially if it means you get to meet a whole new group of co workers. It's nice to have people to spend time with.

Papa Coco


I'm glad to hear you're feeling the joy of being around other people with like minds.


thank you hope, NK  and PC !   I appreiciate you


things have been good lately,   almost scary good.   I haven't been to the gym in a week,   i miss it,    just been busy.   trying to get back to my regular schedule.   I had 2 drinks yesterday,  i have been really good about limiting alcohol.   I had some fun playing poickleball this morning,  heading off to work now


Hi Larry,
That sounds really good.  Glad you're doing ok.  Pickleball sounds like fun.
Hope  :)


I have been mostly good,  but haven't been sleeping well and having more nightmares than usual.   I have been limiting drinking ,  mostly 2 or 3  a day. 


Hey, Larry. Glad to see you checking in, and glad to hear things are mostly good. Also glad that you have been able to limit the drinks successfully. That's great. Well done.

I hope that you start sleeping better soon and that the nightmares go away.


Hi Larry, I'm sorry you are now sleeping well.  I know how that feels, I have insomnia as well, both from CPTSD and other health issues.  I applaud you for limited your drinks. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way, if that's OK.


thank you Narckiddo and natureluvr,   i appreciate you both,   
  I got really drunk on monday,   nothing bad happened,   i did call the hotline,  not sure why i drank so much.  today is 2 days,   i don't know why i do this to myself.   been getting busier with work,   that always helps.   


Keep on keeping on, Larry. We don't always know why we do what we do. I do admire you for always picking yourself back up again, and also for coming back to your journal and being honest about the tough times. No judgement here - just good wishes for strength going forward.