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Messages - Mpress Lisa

AD - Emotional Dysregulation / Re: Overwhelm
May 29, 2017, 06:27:31 AM
Thank you Blackbird, it's one day at a time, recovery is forward, backward, forward process. 🙏🏾
AD - Emotional Dysregulation / Overwhelm
May 28, 2017, 11:01:04 PM
Because of high stress four weeks ago ( working two jobs, studying full time and patenting) I had a severe relapse and found my self in the midst of a breakdown and trauma reactivation. I've quit work and study and taking each day one at a time. I have been home bound for 3 weeks with intense anxiety and physically also very weak despite my determination to want to get out and about. Every day seems like a battle and I get so overwhelmed with simple tasks. This morning I thought I would sort out some old boxes of paperwork and I went into the garage and proceeded to sort through a box, all of a sudden I felt overwhelmed, dizzy, scared and like everything was over stimulating me.... I was hardly doing anything exhausting but the overload was crippling. I am sensitive even on good days and introverted and am so scared right now of my ability to recover. I am a single mum with 3 kids and I feel isolated and scared. 😔
Hello Phoebes, it sounds like life is definitely overwhelming you right now... And some boundaries in place would be great but I can feel that the fear of creating boundaries is keeping you stuck in the loop of trauma. That is an awful place and I deeply feel for you. You have every right to say no to anything that is too much right now however small it may seem logically. Emotional flashbacks are not in the realm of logic.
Self protection is your highest priority and I can see this is a trigger for you as it must have never been safe for you to do that. You have every right to protect yourself. Let us know how you are going.
Hello everyone, I'm new to this site and didn't realise so many others are going through the same things as me. So thankyou to you all for being courageous 💕

I just found a good site with some good techniques for grounding when experiencing flashbacks that I wanted to share.
Hello, yes I have the exact same issues. I can relate to going from " wow I finally have my life together" to experiencing another relapse and the emotions that come with it. I just found this site with some great ideas on staying grounded..
Neglect/Abandonment / Re: Neglect
May 21, 2017, 09:08:09 PM
Hello Saharason, yes you are right in saying it was not our fault... We really were defenceless and helpless and it is our responsibility as adults to make sure we make new choices that support us and honour us. We are worthy and deserve love and all the things that come with it. Sorry to hear you were abandoned like that, the effects of abandonment run very deep. 🙏🏾
Wow so many women recovering from narcissistic exH and families. I am also recovering from three abusive relationships, one was my ex husband of 15 years. It's a healing journey of self discovery and self love. Of embracing all the beautiful things that make us who we are as women. I'm glad to have just found this site as I feel quite isolated and alone. I have been raising my 5 children alone, with three still left at home. I recently had to give up work and my degree as I had a breakdown from all the demands which ignited all my past traumas. Thanks for all you inspiring posts. 😊
Neglect/Abandonment / Re: Neglect
May 20, 2017, 11:39:04 PM
I can relate completely. I was neglected physically as an infant then emotionally as a child. These intense fears I experienced relating to abandonment and self worth have been my foundations I have had to navigate my way through my life with. These core beliefs have been the basis of every decision I have made. I am now working on shifting these foundations ( that 0f course should have naturally been provided by my care givers/ parents). Transforming these beliefs is a process, but is worth every moment of work, because I know now I am worth it, and I know I have true potentials that also deserve to be utilised. Despite the neglect, know that you are completely loveable and deserve all the beautiful things in life x